Cross Wave Comparison

Cross Wave Comparison

For the correspondence across waves the basic rule holds that questions are identically named if the content has not changed.

As changes sometimes have to be conducted due to societal changes (eg. new communication tools) or due to flaws found in the previous waves (e.g. ambiguous understanding of question wording) you will find an overview of the generic versions of the questionnaires in waves 1 to 9 where you can track the deviations between waves.

In order to compare the items across different waves easier, we provide the following two documents:

  • the comparison of question texts, response options and interviewer instructions in the main questionnaires of the regular SHARE items
  • the comparison of question texts, response options and interviewer instructions in the main questionnaires of the SHARELIFE items of Wave 3 and Wave 7

Explanatory notes:

W#_Question_Text Question texts
W#_Response_Options Response options
W#_Interviewer_Instruction Interviewer instructions
. Question has not been asked at all in corresponding wave
[none] Question has been asked in corresponding wave but no interviewer instruction, response option or in some cases question text (e.g. interviewer observation) was given

Please be aware that all tables are still under construction and will be updated permanently.

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